Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Getting Started...

Welcome to Lollipop newest baby. I never thought I'd start my own side business, nor did I ever think I'd become a blogger, but here's to trying something new! As I build my business, clientele & catalog, I'll steadily post recently finished projects. I began Lollipop Designs with the determination that I needed another 'creative outlet' for all this couped up energy! I design & paint personalized canvases for baby nurseries, christenings/baptisms, newly-weds, special occasions & more. I started painting my own daughter, Sophia's, the day before she was about a 'labor of love'...with crunch time approaching to head to the hospital, I thought, "oh, let me start a little project too!" It was surprisingly relaxing & peaceful, & so I continued until it was finished. Now I could say her nursery was complete & ready for her arrival! It's a special little 'welcome' that I get everytime I approach her room to play, soothe or rock her to sleep. Since Sophia's, I've gone on to create a few more nursery 'door hangers' as well as a few monogram 'door hangers' for my college-aged sister-in-law, cousin & more. It's a wonderful sense of accomplishment upon completion...not to mention rewarding when I get to give it away to the recipient! As I get better at this 'blogging' thing, I'll post more photos, pricing & examples. If you are interested in a Lollipop Designs creation, let me know...I'd love to create something perfect for you!

1 comment:

mrs.c said...

I love the canvas you made for Ava's room! It makes me smile every time I walk in there!

Thank You,